Pesticides And Insect Repellents

It is no surprise to us that pesticides can have a damaging effect on our health, particularly for those who are exposed to them over a long time. In this blog, we are going to talk about how to limit your exposure to them if it becomes necessary to use them, as well...

Re-using Your Waste Water

Water is the most precious commodity we have. While we take many steps to recycle items we use in our everyday life, what about our water? How can we recycle that? Let us explain. When we think about the amount of water we use daily for things like washing our dishes,...

Wood Rot…Is Your House At Risk?

A homeowner knows that to avoid expensive repair work, regular maintenance needs to be done. One problem that could become very costly to fix is wood rot.  A lot of timber is used in a home’s construction and, in time, some of this wood could begin to...

Household Allergens…How Can You Reduce Them?

There seem to be so many people suffering from allergies these days that the likelihood of at least one member of your household suffering from them is pretty high. It’s not just when we are out of doors that we suffer. There are numerous allergens in our homes...

Check The Grading

As a homebuyer, it’s unlikely that you will be familiar with all the correct standards and requirements a property should meet unless you are an experienced builder that is.  However, it’s still good to be familiar with some of these standards so that when...

Taking Care Of Your Health At The Gym

The month of January usually brings with it a renewed interest in diet and exercise which also means increased visits to the gym. While a gym is generally associated with health and fitness, if a high standard of hygiene is not maintained, it could also be a very...
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