How The Home Inspection Protects You

Finding that perfect home can be a difficult task, after all, it might be the place you will live for some years, so it needs to be just right.  What can happen if you do find such a home but there are multiple offers on it? You might feel tempted to do whatever it...

Bathroom Extraction Fan Maintenance Tips

Regular home maintenance is the key to saving money and avoiding major repairs.  Although some tasks around the home may seem too small to matter, if left, they might be the cause of far greater issues later on.  Let’s consider the bathroom, more specifically the...

Keys To Stress Free Moving…Simplifying

Anyone who has had to move house will agree that its rather high on the list of stressful things to do, this is particularly the case if you haven’t moved in many years and have had time, and space, to accumulate many possessions.  If you are planning on moving to a...

Ways To Avoid Carpet Mold

Mold spores are the cause of many health problems today.  One area where mold has the potential to thrive is carpet.  Although there are some ways to treat it, preventing it altogether is a much better option.  So, what are some ways to do this?   Although many...

Why We Are The Right Home Inspectors For You

Whether you are first time buyer or are selling your existing home and looking for another, you are making a huge decision.  It can be a very daunting prospect not only to find the right home that fits the needs of you and your family, but also to then go through the...

Swimming Pool Safety

It is that time of year when nothing feels better than a refreshing swim in a pool.  Children especially enjoy spending a lot of time playing in the water.  If you have a swimming pool in your yard, it’s important that you take all the safety precautions possible to...

Does Your New Home Need An 11 Month Inspection?

“Why would my new home need an inspection?” you may ask.  The answer to that question is a simple one.  If you have lived in your new home for less that a year, you might want to consider this type of inspection.  Most newly constructed homes come with a 12-month...

Window Bars….How Safe Are They?

Many homeowners nowadays are taking extra measures to keep themselves safe from intruders.  One way of doing this is with window bars, also called security bars.  These are metal bars that are installed on the outside of a window, generally the lower floors or...

Central Air Conditioning System Care

As we look forward to the warmer season, we might be working on our list of jobs we want to get done in preparation for this.  Is having your central air conditioning system on that list?  While its very important to have this checked regularly by a professional (at...

Buying A Pre-Manufactured House

There are so many housing options out there nowadays, so if you are thinking about purchasing a new home, you have a lot to choose from.  One option is buying a pre-manufactured house.  What are some things you should know if you are considering this? These types...
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