Most of us have heard of the chemical formaldehyde but perhaps not as many know that it can be found in numerous items around the house. Is this something that should concern you? In this month’s blog, we are going to look at some of the items in your home that may contain this chemical and consider whether formaldehyde poses a hazard to you and your household.
Formaldehyde, like many other chemicals, is not detectable visibly. It does, however, often give off a quite noticeable pungent aroma. So, what are some of the items in your home that likely contain it? It is frequently used to treat textiles which means it could be found in sofas, cushions, curtains, or some other type of soft furnishings. It is also used in pressed lumber such as plywood and particleboard. Formaldehyde is often present in fuel-burning appliances and certain types of glue. We can see, then, how likely it is that formaldehyde is present in at least some of the items in your home.
Does formaldehyde pose a health hazard to you or your household? As yet, it is still not too clear how much formaldehyde you would need to be exposed to for it to pose a danger to health, but it is a known cancer-causing carcinogen that can affect the upper throat, so caution is needed. Exposure to formaldehyde can also cause symptoms such as fatigue and respiratory issues. However, because these are also symptoms of many other ailments, you should not automatically conclude that you are being affected by formaldehyde. If you are concerned, it would be best to consult with your doctor who will make a proper diagnosis.
There are many products on the market today that do not contain the chemical formaldehyde so, if you are concerned about the negative effects of this chemical, research a product before you buy it to check that it is formaldehyde-free.