As a homebuyer, it’s unlikely that you will be familiar with all the correct standards and requirements a property should meet unless you are an experienced builder that is. However, it’s still good to be familiar with some of these standards so that when you are looking at properties, you have a basic idea of whether or not it will be right for you. One area that is good to be familiar with is the properties grading.
What is grading? In simple terms, it is the amount of slope a property should have around a foundation so that water runs away from the home’s foundation instead of collecting around it. If the property does not have enough grade (or slope) it can create a variety of problems, especially to the foundation.
How much grading should a property have? Although it’s good to check the requirements for your location, most organizations will tell you that approximately 6 inches for the first 10 feet around the home are best as it will give you around a 5 percent slope. Do not worry if the property has more of a grade than that, it is not a problem, in fact, it could be better.
As you can see, checking that the property you are considering purchasing has the right amount of slope will help you determine what kind of condition the home is in and help you to avoid making the wrong decision. Of course, this is just one aspect of the property that must be inspected, there are many areas that need to be checked to ensure you are making a wise investment. Please feel free to contact us for more information regarding the inspection of your potential new home.