Cockroaches are very tough little pests that can survive harsh conditions and reproduce in large numbers. They are also known spreaders of disease and can cause allergies and asthma. Naturally, then, we want to do all we can to stop them from settling into our homes so, what are some ways we can do this?

You want your home to become a hostile environment for cockroaches. They love dirty, greasy, moist areas. One area of the home that provides these conditions is the kitchen (although cockroaches are found in many areas of a home). Give the kitchen a thorough cleaning of regularly. You should include underneath and behind appliances, even the bigger ones like the refrigerator and dishwasher. Clean kitchen cabinets and under the sink. Don’t leave out pet food for too long and keep your food in tightly sealed containers. Put a tight lid on your trash can and don’t leave garbage sitting for long. When not in use, try to dry the sink. Cockroaches also tend to stay away from well lit areas so it might be a good idea to leave some lights on a night.
The bathroom is another pleasant environment for cockroaches. Keep this space as clean and dry as possible can. Its also a good idea to check the home for leaking pipes and dripping taps etc. Fix them immediately if they are in need and seal up any possible cockroach entry points.
There are times when a cockroach infestation is too bad for you to deal with by yourself. In cases like this, you should consult with a professional pest control company who can take care of the problem. Afterwards, however, you can keep them under control by placing boric acid in areas where you noticed more activity.