We have come to rely on electricity in our homes so much that when we loose power for any reason, it can cause complete chaos.  For many, though, it can be a matter of safety as well.  Many people choose to purchase a portable generator for times like this.  So, what are some of the advantages to owning a portable generator and what are some precautions that need to be taken while operating one?

The good thing about a portable generator is that it is relatively easy to operate and does not require any special permit to own or operate.  They are also easy to move around and usually run on gasoline.  This makes them a great option if you are going camping or travelling to a remote location.

It is important, however, that you exercise caution when operating a portable generator.  What are a few of the precautions you should take?

  • During a power outage, its very tempting to try plug in every device you have.  It is not a good idea to overload a portable generator as it could easily become a fire hazard.
  • Do not try to operate a portable generator inside the house.  They produce carbon monoxide which we know can be fatal.
  • Portable generators are not designed for appliances which are hard wired to your home but are designed for corded appliances.  Keep this in mind if you rely on these appliances for your health.
  • You should avoid using a portable generator near water so as to prevent risk of electric shock.
  • Be very careful when adding gasoline, especially when the generator is hot.


So, as we can see, a portable generator can be a very helpful thing to have during a power outage, but they are not designed to keep an entire household running like normal, just those appliances which are essential.

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